Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 2 Update

Just a quick update on what's going on at the Learning Garden. I turned on the drip irrigation system for about 2 hours last night. But if we don't get rain tonight, we'll have to get out there tomorrow to water the parts of the Garden that aren't hooked up to the system. These include the herb garden (for now; there are outlets to it but we haven't had a lot of plantings in there, so it hasn't been a top priority), the square foot gardens, and the forest garden. So cross your fingers!

Also, you may notice the Brussels sprouts are dusted white. Don't worry, I didn't break out the Sevin or anything. I'm trying something I read about for getting rid of cabbage worms: self-rising flour. They ingest it when eating the leaves and it expands in their guts. Kaplooey! Or at least I hope so. For future infestations, in such a small space, hand-picking and squishing at the first signs will be enough.

Speaking of insects, a tree or two in the forest garden is being eaten by Japanese beetles. A little soap in some water to knock them into will take care of it, but it should be done this week.

Saturday we got a delivery of 4 huge bales of switchgrass to use as mulch (thanks to Jim Pierce for getting us in on his delivery). The drip irrigation works even better when there's a nice covering to impede evaporation.
