Friday, January 21, 2011

Welcome to the Learning Garden Blog!

Hello Gardeners!

Is there a better time than the depths of winter to learn a new skill? That's what's going on here, as I (oh so slowly) figure this blog-thing out. But I am highly motivated by the desire to continue to share with you all plus have you be able to share with each other.

I get some great replies to my emails, and I've always been torn between the desire to forward them on and the worry that I'd be clogging up your emails. So here's your chance to read as much or as little as you like and to contribute. I'll continue to email you to let you know when I've added a new post, and the notices of meetings and work parties will still go out via email. Hope to hear from all of you with whatever's on your mind.

On my mind is...spring. All evidence to the contrary, it will come faster than you think possible, and we had our second planning meeting this past week. Oh the glorious plans for the Garden! Greens and melons and brassica, beans and peas and roots, herbs and grains and fruits! Assuming I figure out  how to do it, I'll post a plot plan for drooling purposes.

At home, I'm reading the best book: The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times by Carol Deppe. I have learned so much with such enjoyment, and I can hardly wait to put into practice my new knowledge of seed saving and (minor) plant breeding.

At work "up the college," I walked to Schlow library today and happened to notice that the downtown Farmers' Market is making its winter home in the lobby of the Borough Building on Allen Street. I took the opportunity to acquire 2 gorgeous, fresh trout from Dan the Fish Man. Tomorrow at the Old Gregg School market, I will be picking up some Cow-a-Hen Farms ham ends to make ham and bean soup for the weekend. Guaranteed to warm us up!

Bundle up and stop by to help warm the hearts of our hard-working farmers and remember to always...

Buy It Locally Grown
    Or Raise Your Own!


  1. This blog looks like fun!---Toni

  2. Julie,

    I'm really glad you're doing this -- you're a wonderful writer and I'm glad it's getting captured somewhere!


  3. Hey Julie, this looks great! Thanks for the early "heads up" on this new venture, when you were at the Elk Creek. Sign me up!

  4. A great beginning Julie! Hurray!
    Thanks for sharing your great book tips - these super cold and snowy days are the best for dreaming of spring and new growth to come.
    I'll look forward to your new posts!

  5. Great Julie, if I can figure out how to participate in this new and wonderful blog I will. I do have something I wanted to ask you. Several years ago, Maggie Harlan gave me some wonderful
    Roma type tomatoes from her garden. I saved the seeds, The tomatoe were big and very solid. They were the best I ever canned. The problem for me is that our raised beds while allowing us to garden rule out sprawling types of plants due to space. These plants are big and sprawling. Does any body want to try the seeds that has room for the plants? Soak the over night then put in wet paper towel to help germinate. That way you can see which are viable. Any one interested?? Judith

  6. I'm late in reading about the corn Julie, but as usual found it very interesting. i have a question to pose regarding the corn. i always thought that corn would cross pollinate if planted near each other. Is that true or just something I thought?

    Corn is also something that I believe should be ORGANIC. That is because corn is a huge GMO crop. Is this true of the sweet corn also?? It is now possible to buy organic corn starch, organic corn syrup, etc. We do it for our baking which brings the prices up but does protect the consumer. J

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